A Question That Changed the World
Acts 1:1-11
- What three things has Kevin encouraged you to engage in at Blackhawk Ministries?
- What is our mission at Blackhawk Ministries?
- What is our vision at Blackhawk Ministries?
- What does the New Testament Greek word for “church” tell us about what the church should be?
- How do you think you would have reacted after watching Jesus ascend into heaven?
- How is Jesus presenting Himself to you?
- What is the “first book” that Luke refers to in Acts 1:1?
- Who is the “promise of the Father”? (Acts 1:4)
- How much of the Holy Spirit did you receive at the moment of your salvation?
- What was Kevin’s point in telling the story about the lifeguards?
- How did the disciples politicize that which is theological?
- How do we politicize that which is theological?
- How is God empowering you?
- How does Philippians 3:20 connect with Acts 1:11?
- What does “less gazing, more going” look like for you this week?