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DS3 Important Information



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Good afternoon, Blackhawk family!

This is Cheryl Pulver and I am sending you this brief email in an effort to continue to communicate our approach to Youth and Student Ministry in this current season. Please read to the end as I will share our team’s approach to COVID.

It is an exciting time at Blackhawk Ministries! As you may know, Blackhawk now has an age-specific ministry aimed at 5th-8th graders. This is our Youth Ministry and is known as DS3 and it is lead by myself and Josh Raber. DS3 gathers each Wednesday night from 6:30-8 and also each Sunday at 11 am.

Our Student Ministry is now known as The Movement. It is led by Mark Hammond and it is for any student in any High School. They gather each Wednesday night from 6:30-8 and each Sunday at 9 am. We gather at BCS Elementary.

Mark, Josh, and I are all very excited about these growing ministry areas and we really hope to see youth and students plug in here this year!  We have changed a few things due to the COVID season that we are all navigating. Here are a  few things that we want to continue to communicate as we forge ahead for what we believe will be an incredible and fruitful year.

*The past 2 years we were able to serve dinner each Wednesday night. However, we are not serving any food or snacks at this time on Wednesday evenings. We will update you if/when this changes.

*We have built strong teams of trusted leaders for DS3 and The Movement. We are asking our teams to wear a mask each evening.

*We also are encouraging our youth and students to wear a mask as well each Wednesday but this is not mandatory at this time.

*Maybe most importantly, our team wants to remind everyone that if they are ill or they have been asked to stay home from school/work and to quarantine, that they do not attend until the duration of that quarantine is over. This includes our Blackhawk staff, our volunteer teams, and our youth and students.

*We are checking in every person present at our Sunday and Wednesday gatherings. We will also ask attendees and leaders if they are feeling well and if they have been asked to quarantine and until what date.

Lastly, we are offering a camp for DS3 and a Fall retreat for The Movement. You can find all of these details on Blackhawk.FYI Feel free to follow us on Facebook and on Instagram as well for weekly updates.

Please let us know if we can partner with you and your family in any way moving forward.

In this together,

Cheryl Pulver and Josh Raber




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