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Pastor Weaz on Young Adults @ Blackhawk

Hello Blackhawk, it’s Pastor Weaz here!

Part of my role here at our church is, has been and will continue to be to build teams that fight for the hearts of the next generation and to intentionally invest in relationships with students, parents, families and young adults! This calling has become even more important in this current season as today’s young people are struggling with many things in 2020. God was not surprised by any of this and this past year I had been praying and trying to build a team specifically to lead our Young Adults. But before I get to that, let me share what God has been doing in our Young Adults area.

In late 2018, God brought us Adam and Lisa Gerber and they launched a weekly gathering at their home in February of 2019. They have done an incredible job of investing into the lives of dozens of young adults. They are an incredible couple and they are committed to loving and leading our Young Adults well. They continue to gather on Tuesday evenings and please let me know if you are ever interested in joining them.

This past year has been one that we will never forget. It has brought many obstacles to each of us. As I was praying to start 2020, I felt God saying to offer a Sunday morning gathering for Young Adults to plug into. God eventually brought Micah Quick and Alicia Richard to help me launch and lead this Sunday option. After much prayer and planning, this past Sunday it all came together and we launched our Sunday gathering.

I am super excited to report that had 17 of us that gathered and connected as we met one another, shared, laughed, connected and dove into God’s Word together! It was a beautiful picture of doing life together.

Our Young Adults Team has done a fantastic job of helping me to prepare for what God wants to do here with our Young Adults. This is just the beginning of what I pray will become a fruitful ministry that will also help us to “Light the One Five” throughout our community. If you are a young adult, or you know of one, please let them know that we would love to connect with them on Sunday mornings here at Blackhawk. My email is [email protected]

We gather upstairs in room 254 from 9:30-10:30 AM and then many sit together for the 11 am worship gathering. We would love to see you and anyone is welcome and encouraged to come!

Finally, here at Blackhawk we strive to Gather, Connect and Go. This Saturday we will GO! We are partnering with our Student Ministry, The Movement, to GO and serve together. We will be raking leaves and doing some clean up at Maple Seed Farms. They are a service here in Ft. Wayne that serves and blesses those with Autism. If you are a HS Student or Young Adult and interested in serving with us, please be at Blackhawk Christian Elementary this Saturday, November 21 by 9:30 AM. I will drive us on a BCS bus and we will return about 12 noon. Also, please email me if you are interested.

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