1 Corinthians 15:1-11;50-58
- What is the significance of the phrase “first importance”? (1 Corinthians 15:3)
- What are the essentials elements of the creed Paul shares in 1 Corinthians 15?
- Why did Jesus die?
- What’s the difference between the historical fact of Jesus’ death and its theological implication?
- Why is it important to note and believe that Jesus was buried?
- What makes Jesus distinct from and superior to all?
- Why does Christianity hinge on the fact of Jesus’ resurrection?
- What are some common objections to the resurrection of Jesus?
- What change in worship times happened after the resurrection? Why is this significant?
- What change in Jesus’ disciples took place after the resurrection?
- Is there any evidence for the resurrection outside the pages of Scripture?
- What is the problem with believing that Jesus’ followers hallucinated His resurrection?
- Why is Peter’s testimony regarding the resurrection an important piece of evidence? What is Peter’s story?
- Why is James’ testimony regarding the resurrection an important piece of evidence? Who was James?
- Why was the resurrection of Jesus the “death of death”?