10 Before_1 from Blackhawk Ministries on Vimeo.
Today at Blackhawk:
UNagitated Patience – 1 Corinthians 13:4
We hope you were able to join us online to watch Pastor Kevin’s first message of our UNconditional series. If you missed the message, go to blackhawk.fyi to watch!
Missions Update
We will have a brief interview with Kimberly White.
If you’d like to hear more about Kimberly’s story, we will post a longer interview on blackhawk.fyi and she will also be available in the foyer after each service today – look for her at the GO table.
This Week on Blackhawk.FYI
Two weeks ago we baptized three young people during our services – if you missed it you can see the video here.
You can also go to blackhawk.fyi to watch past sermons, read blog posts from our pastors, and catch up on the latest new from our mission partners. You will be informed and inspired!
Additional Reminders
The Tuesday women’s bible studies will begin a new study on February 9th with morning and evening options available in person and by zoom. We will be going through a 12-week study of the book of James with Francis Chan. Sign up in the foyer today or contact Sue Stump at [email protected] of 485-6773. There is no cost for this study and TODAY is the last day to sign-up.
Blackhawk Kids is looking for volunteers to help on Sunday mornings! We need 20 people for first hour and 10 people for second hour. If you are able to help out, please contact Leah Hilton at the church or go to blackhawkkids.org
Serving Fort Wayne with Biblical Hospitality: Safe Families for Children
Did you know that Blackhawk supports the northeast Indiana chapter of Safe Families for Children?
Safe Families for Children (SFFC) is a collaboration among local churches, Christian families and individuals, and community agencies designed to help families in crisis by giving them a network of support. Volunteer Host Families, recruited through local churches, provide parents with a loving home where they can safely place their children while getting back on their feet. Family Coaches come alongside parents during the hosting, giving them support and mentorship. Through its dedicated volunteers, SFFC helps to prevent child abuse, keep children out of foster care, stabilize families, and share the light and hope of Christ in our communities.
If you are interested in learning more about Safe Families of Northeast Indiana and how you can help show biblical hospitality in our community, we encourage you to check out the Northeast Indiana Safe Families website and subscribe to their newsletter. The newsletter includes a list of most-needed items for the children and families. Our Blackhawk family has been a big part of meeting those needs. Our diaper drive over this last summer, in the middle of a pandemic, still managed to provide the organization with lots of much needed baby and toddler supplies.
In the coming weeks, look for more information on how to support their mission, including their much-needed meal ministry.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Linda Pearson ([email protected]) , Angie Study ([email protected]) or Valerie Buson ([email protected]) here at Blackhawk.
Blackhawk Ministries / 7400 E. State Blvd. / Fort Wayne, IN
Contact Us | 260-493-7400
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