Today at Blackhawk:
Made New | Communion / Outdoor Baptism
If you are joining us online, get your crackers & juice so you can participate in communion with us in the service. Stay tuned after the message – we will move outside and celebrate with several people as they are baptized.
This Week on Blackhawk.FYI
Our Senior Adult Ministry – Legacy – will be meeting on the second Thursday most months from 9-10:30 for breakfast at the Lakeside Cafe (N Coliseum Blvd). Registration is not required – just show up, enjoy food, fellowship and a devotional thought.
DS3 will be heading to Camp Crosley on October 2 & 3. Find all the details and register at Blackhawk.FYI. There is an early bird discount for students who register before September 1.
Do you know a young adult who is in college or serving in the military? We would like our young people to know that their church home is still thinking and praying for them. We want to gather names, where they are serving in the military or what college, their major, birthday, favorite candy and address. Then Pastor Weaz and his team will put this info on cards and our church body will have an opportunity to “adopt” a young person. Send the information to [email protected] or check out this story on Blackhawk.fyi.
New to Blackhawk? Join Steve Webster for a time to connect on Sunday mornings starting September 12th. (Steve will join Christian & Mimi briefly)
Our youth & student ministries will kick off their fall programming in September! Check out FYI for all the details for DS3 and The Movement!
Blackhawk Ministries / 7400 E. State Blvd. / Fort Wayne, IN
Contact Us | 260-493-7400
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