Today at Blackhawk:
SEEDS Family Worship – Sing God’s Word
We are so thankful to have the team from Seeds Family Worship join us for both services this morning! Come back tonight for a FREE CONCERT at 6:00 in the worship center. Join us for our Neighborhood Block Party from 4-6 today. We’ll have 4 food trucks and activities for kids of all ages. The first 400 kids will eat free!
This Week on Blackhawk.FYI
We are preparing to relaunch adult ESL classes in September! If you speak English, you can help! Join us as we demonstrate the love of Christ through teaching English and building relationships. No ESL or teaching experience required; training and teaching materials are provided. Stop by our table in the foyer or Blackhawk.FYI.
Our Senior Adult Ministry – Legacy – will be meeting on the second Thursday most months from 9-10:30 for breakfast at the Lakeside Cafe (N Coliseum Blvd). Registration is not required – just show up, enjoy food, fellowship and a devotional thought.
DS3 will be heading to Camp Crosley on October 2 & 3. Find all the details and register at Blackhawk.FYI. There is an early bird discount for students who register before September 1.
Ladies – IF:GATHERING exists to equip women with gospel-centered resources, events, and community so they may learn more about who God is and disciple other women right where they are. This month’s IF Table: August 18, 6-8 pm. We’d love to have you join us! If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Additional reminders:
Outdoor Baptism – next week – August 22nd we will have ONE SERVICE at 10:00 in the worship center, then move outside for baptisms. If baptism is your next step, start your Journey at blackhawkministries.org/nextsteps.
Blackhawk Ministries / 7400 E. State Blvd. / Fort Wayne, IN
Contact Us | 260-493-7400
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