Today at Blackhawk:
Messy | Week 8
Jesus and Disciples (John 13:1-17)
This Week on Blackhawk.FYI
Neighborhood Block Party & Concert on August 15th. This is a free event, and we are asking everyone to register so we know how many to expect. Free kids meals for the first 400 kids under 18. Preregistration is open now! Find all the details on Blackhawk.FYI! Block Party from 4-6 and then stay for the free concert at 6 by Seeds Family Worship – Sing God’s Word!
Additional reminders:
Outdoor Baptism – August 22nd we will have ONE SERVICE at 10:00 in the worship center, then move outside for baptisms. If baptism is your next step, start your Journey at blackhawkministries.org/nextsteps.
Back to School – we are looking forward to welcoming students back to BCS this week! As the school year gets off to a great start, keep watching here and on Blackhawk.FYI to see all the details of our fall ministry programming for our students of all ages!
Blackhawk Ministries / 7400 E. State Blvd. / Fort Wayne, IN
Contact Us | 260-493-7400
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