Today at Blackhawk:
Stand Alone Message | Pastor Emad from Egypt
This Week on Blackhawk.FYI
“Crossing the Road: First Steps Toward Loving Our Muslim Neighbors” Conference @ Blackhawk, November 5-7. Register before October 17 and get a free shirt!
reNEW Upscale Resale has an opening for a Store Director. Find the job description and application online at Blackhawkchristian.org or Blackhawk.FYI.
Quilting team: Every Monday morning, ladies from Blackhawk and sister churches get together to make quilts – mainly for The Hope Center. We are asking for your help in re-stocking our fabric shelves.
We’d love for you to join us on Mondays and see what we’re doing!
Additional Announcements:
Adopt a Grad – We want our church family to “adopt” high school grads – whether they are in college, the military, or the workforce – and show them some love. Pastor Weaz and his team have gathered names and information for several young adults, and now we are asking our church family to choose a young person’s card and adopt them. Check out the table in the foyer or reach out to Pastor Weaz at [email protected]
Blackhawk Ministries / 7400 E. State Blvd. / Fort Wayne, IN
Contact Us | 260-493-7400
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