Today at Blackhawk:
Maturity University | Rooted Faith (Colossians 2:6-15)
Communion – if you’re joining us online, get your elements ready so you can participate with us later in the service.
This Week on Blackhawk.FYI
Give Light – December 12th. Our plans for the Christmas season are well under way! We are excited to roll out those plans over the next few weeks, but we want to make sure you begin to think about how you can join us in our GIVE LIGHT offering – sharing the light of Christ across the street, among our city, and around the world.
“Crossing the Road: First Steps Toward Loving Our Muslim Neighbors” Conference @ Blackhawk, November 5-7. Register online – today is the last day to get a free shirt with your registration!
reNEW Upscale Resale has an opening for a Store Director. Find the job description and application online at Blackhawkchristian.org or Blackhawk.FYI.
Quilting team is asking for your help in re-stocking our fabric shelves.
Additional Announcements:
Adopt a Grad – Pastor Weaz is in the foyer with a few cards till available. Remember each card represents a young adult in our church family – please take one today and commit to pray and encourage that grad throughout this year. We’d love to have all the cards picked up today!
Four10 Ministries is holding a virtual “Ungala” & Silent Auction online October 26th. For those of you who still want to have some fun with friends, consider hosting a watch party. Bakerstreet is catering the meal! The tickets for dinner are $50/person.
Blackhawk Ministries / 7400 E. State Blvd. / Fort Wayne, IN
Contact Us | 260-493-7400
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