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DS3 Memphis Mission Trip

DS3 Middle School Youth Group 2024 Mission Trip

DS3 Middle School Youth Group at Blackhawk Ministries will partner with LeaderTreks for the 2024 Mission Trip to Memphis, Tennessee,  this coming July 21-27.   There will be 15 middle school students and four leaders heading to Memphis, TN, please keep us all in your prayers.  While in Tennessee, we will be given opportunities to experience authentic leadership.  Students will be placed in various leadership roles, whether cooking in the kitchen, running a VBS, working on the worksite, giving their testimony, and sharing the Gospel.

When these middle school students return home, they will return from an experience that has challenged and pushed them to grow in several areas.  Each day, students will be in God’s Word, having devotions.  Students will also be taught several different study methods to study the Bible independently.  We will spend time each night during Team Time teaching each other what God has been revealing to us on our own.  Students will also have a prayer journal to encourage written prayers using the ACTS prayer method.

Would you consider joining us as a ministry partner with your financial support?

Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 22, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Blackhawk Ministries! Join us for a car wash and walking taco mission trip fundraiser. Get your vehicle gleaming while indulging in delicious walking tacos, all supporting the DS3 Memphis Mission Trip. Every soap sud and taco bite brings us closer to making a meaningful impact. Don’t miss this opportunity to support the DS3 middle school students and leaders!


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