News and Events

DS3 Middle School Youth Group Fall Calendar

Check out the DS3 Fall Middle School Ministry in September, October, and November!  Fall Kickoff on Wednesday, September 4, and Sunday, September 8, is just around the corner!

Get ready for a weekend full of fun and adventure at the DS3 Fall Camp! Registration opens on Sunday, September 1.  You’ll have the opportunity to enjoy a variety of activities at Miracle Camp in Lawton, Michigan,  including 3 days & 2 nights, 5 meals plus supper on Friday evening, 7 different activities, and 4 worship sessions with 2 devotional mornings!

DS3 is a great place for middle school students to build community, connect in a small group,  have fun with their peers, and learn more about how to live for Jesus in middle school!  It’s an investment worth making!

DS3 Fall Camp Registration Link:

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