Today at Blackhawk:
Maturity University | Mature Relationships (Colossians 3:12-17)
This Week on Blackhawk.FYI
Celebrate ReFUEL high school retreat last weekend!
Give Light – December 12th. This week our focus is on Giving Light around our Nation through International Project. The heart of their organization is to help people love “the foreigner among us”. Learn more about IP – and all other Give Light beneficiaries at Blackhawk.FYI/give-light. There you can also hear from church members who spent time learning how to effectively evangelize in New York City this past summer. As always, the most important goal is 100% participation!
December highlights:
Last week for Operation Christmas Child – Shoeboxes are available in the foyer. Return your packed shoebox to the church on or before November 14!
Blackhawk Kids is excited to introduce a new program for our 3/4 graders – KidsUP during the 11 AM service starting Nov 14 –Parent Meeting (parents and kids): November 14th, 10:15-10:45 am in the Gym Commons. The first 20 kids get a KidsUP t-shirt. Drawing for a Target Gift Card.
BCS Upcoming events:
Blackhawk Ministries / 7400 E. State Blvd. / Fort Wayne, IN
Contact Us | 260-493-7400
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