News and Events

Child Dedication

In presenting your child for dedication at Blackhawk Ministries, you are prioritizing the spiritual well-being of your child and you are expressing your intention to lead him/her in the ways of Jesus Christ. In doing this, your child also becomes a special responsibility of the body of believers that is the church. It is our responsibility to receive your child into the care of this church and acknowledge our partnership in leading him/her to faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

What a joy and honor to come alongside these precious families as they dedicate their little ones to Jesus.

Pray for them

Encourage them

Love on them

Offer to watch their kiddos so they can have a date night

Bring them a meal

These are a few of the many ways we can continue to love these families.

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”

Looking to be part of the next child dedication. Completing this short questionnaire would be the first step. Child Dedication

We would like to celebrate the arrival of your new precious one. Please use the provided link to let us know of your new arrival. Let Us Know

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Blackhawk Ministries  /  7400 E. State Blvd.  /  Fort Wayne, IN
Contact Us  |  260-493-7400

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