News and Events

Spring is coming!!


Save the date and mark your calendars for SPRING CLEANING @ BLACKHAWK! As the weather begins to warm up, we’d love to join together on APRIL 22 and clean up our church home, inside and out! 

Middle school students, high school students, and adults are invited to join us! There will be a job for everyone.😄 You’ll have an opportunity to help both inside and outside with various tasks like cleaning windows, classroom desks, and our Blackhawk buses. We’ll be vacuuming, dusting, and painting! And some outdoor needs including sprucing up our flower beds by pulling weeds, trimming shrubs, and spreading fresh mulch. Please sign up to let us know you’ll be joining us:


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Blackhawk Ministries  /  7400 E. State Blvd.  /  Fort Wayne, IN
Contact Us  |  260-493-7400

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