What: First Friday is a gathering for any and all Young Adults in our city. We will carve out a time on the first Friday of each month to gather together for a time of fellowship and community. This will be a fun and laid back environment and you will find connections and make new friends.
Who: Anyone who is out of HS and into their mid to late 20’s. You can be married, single, in school, out of school, working or not working. If this is your age group then you are invited!
When: May 5th from 7pm to 8:15pm
Where: We will gather at Blackhawk Christian Intermediate School (7321 East State Blvd). Park in the front of the building and enter through the front doors and you can’t miss us!
Contact: Pastor Weaz at 260.493.7400 or [email protected]
Blackhawk Ministries / 7400 E. State Blvd. / Fort Wayne, IN
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