News and Events

DS3 Middle School SERVE Helping Hands


Calling ALL DS3 Families, students, parents, and friends to the Helping Hands Serve Event on Saturday, August 19, from 7am – 2pm.  What a great way to serve with your family while supporting our community!

FYI:  Helping Hands is part of the Community Harvest Food Bank facility, where we will help distribute fresh produce, dairy, and bakery foods to families in the community. More than 1,000 families are served each week through the Saturday Helping Hands program. This program is a drive-through model since 2020 for COVID-19 safety.

Servant heart & smile
Money for lunch & ice cream downtown Ft. Wayne
Walking Shoes
Weather appropriate clothing

Gathering Space Door 12
Vehicles:  Church Bus and/or Family Vehicles

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