DS3 Middle School Youth Group is super excited to announce that in the upcoming months (March-April), we will be teaching from a new series by Francis Chan, Preston Sprinkle and Jason Soucinek, titled Christian Sexuality: Conversations Surrounding Jesus, Sex & Gender.
One of the biggest questions around faith in middle school and high school often deals with sex and sexuality. Some of the topics that will be covered during these months at DS3 will be about God’s authority, love, design for sex, same-sex sexuality, and gender identity.
DS3 Christian Sexuality Parent Registration Link: https://blackhawk.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2130700
This meeting, on February 28, 2024, from 6-7 p.m., is for parents ONLY. During the parent meeting, your DS3 student will have regular DS3 youth group in the Aux Gym.
Parents will receive important information and an access code for weekly materials covering the upcoming DS3 Christian Sexuality teaching and videos.
If we are silent about sex and sexuality, this silence actually speaks volumes. Our silence says that this topic is so dirty, so shameful, or so irrelevant to Christian faith that we shouldn’t even talk about it. That’s why we are having this meeting:
1. To encourage you in the conversations you are already having.
2. To prepare you for the conversations ahead.
3. And to be a partner with you in all of this.
Our greatest success in this series will be seen when we work together. This is why we are hosting Joe Dallas at Blackhawk Ministries on February 23, 24, & 25 AND a DS3 Parent-Only Night Meeting to introduce the Christian Sexuality Series. Please attend and register at Blackhawk.FYI.
Serving Christ Together,
Cheryl Pulver, DS3 Middle School Director
Blackhawk Ministries / 7400 E. State Blvd. / Fort Wayne, IN
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