News and Events

Little Lights NEW season



Little Lights launched this past Sunday with a great group of kids ready to WORSHIP. The kids and leaders were so excited to jump in and learn more about Jesus as we dug into what Worship is all about!

Do you love to SING Praises to our Lord?

Do you love to DANCE while you Sing Praises to our Lord?

Are you ready to let HIS light shine through you?

Little Lights NEW season is OPEN!

Little Lights is a fun-filled, energetic, and creative space for kids to learn scripture, worship songs, and prepare to lead worship in our main service one day! Little Worship leaders in training.

The current Little Lights season runs 2/4/2024 – EASTER SUNDAY. We will meet each Sunday from 10 AM-10:30 AM in the Gathering Space to grow together!
Pre-registration required.
You can register online to attend.

Registration closes on 2.18.2024





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Blackhawk Ministries  /  7400 E. State Blvd.  /  Fort Wayne, IN
Contact Us  |  260-493-7400

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