Luke 24:1-9
1. What are some reasons Kevin gave to trust in the reality of Jesus’ resurrection?
2. How has your expectation during this season of distance and disruption affected your
3. What baggage did His resurrection allow the women who came to the tomb to release?
What baggage has the resurrection of Jesus allowed you to release?
4. What things did the women find that they didn’t figure they would? What things might
you find in this season that you otherwise would miss?
5. What “no…never” moments have you experienced/are you experiencing in your life?
6. What is God’s “never”? How does this offer encouragement during this season?
7. What “we had hoped” moments have you experienced/are you experiencing in your life?
8. What things has this season of our lives helped you to remember?
9. “When God does something new, He always disrupts something normal.” How might
this season help us to see something new; to redirect our path?
10. “God’s plan for your life far exceeds the problems of your day.”
11. How might you, this week, not “waste your quarantine”? What things might this season
allow you to do that you would not be able to do otherwise?
12. A word of encouragement on what the resurrection means today:
“The resurrection of Jesus is a sign of God’s purpose and power to restore his creation to its
full stature and integrity. Just as death could be seen as the culmination of all that is wrong
with the world, so the resurrection can be seen as a pledge of God’s ultimate victory over
the disorder which plagues his creation on account of the fall. Death is the greatest enemy,
and yet death has been defeated by God through Christ. And so we are given hope that the
remainder of the powers and forces that confront us are similarly being defeated and their
power broken.”
… Alister E. McGrath (b. 1953)