Acts 20:17-36
1. What does this passage say?
2. What does this passage mean to its original audience?
3. What does this passage tell us about God?
4. What does this passage tell us about mankind?
5. What does this passage demand of me?
6. How does this passage change the way I relate to people?
7. How does this passage prompt me to pray?
On Pastor Kevin’s last Sunday at Blackhawk Ministries, he covered the third component of our mission, GO, using his own departure as inspiration. In our calling to go, we need to lean in to God to remain steadfast – resolutely firm and unwavering.
Three ways to remain steadfast in shifting seasons
Appreciate God’s blessing in our past (v17-21)
8. This is a season of transition at Blackhawk Ministries. How are you doing with everything going on? What excites you? What makes you nervous?
9. List three blessings from God in your past, things that you can come back to time and time again to remind you of God’s faithfulness. Spend some time in prayer praising God for his past faithfulness.
10. Why is it important in a time of shifting seasons, to keep your eyes fixed on the horizon of Jesus? What takes your eyes off of Jesus? Why do you think it has this effect on you?
Accept God’s call in our present (v22-27)
11. How can we be sure that a call we are sensing is from God and not just the result of our wants or wishes? Have you ever felt called by God? How did you know that this call was from God?
12. Have you ever felt called by God to something, but fought against it for a time? Why do you think you were reluctant to follow the call?
Anticipate God’s plan for our future (v28-36)
13. Pastor Kevin advised us to look out for two dangers – outside and inside dangers. Read Acts 20:29-30. What are some examples of possible dangers from outside the church? How can you be on guard against these dangers? What are some examples of possible dangers from inside the church? How can you be on guard against these dangers?
Pastor Kevin closed his time with 7 things to hold tight to in shifting seasons from Acts 20:32-36
- Jesus-centered everything – “I commend you to God”
- Abundant grace – “word of his grace”
- Constant encouragement – “build you up”
- Persistent unity – “among all those who are sanctified”
- Faithful service – “working hard…we must help”
- Generous giving – “it is more blessed to give than to receive”
- Unceasing prayer – “he knelt down and prayed”
14. In reviewing the list above, how would holding tight to each item help you during a shifting season? How would holding tight to each item help Blackhawk during this time of shifting seasons?
15. Which of the above most resonates with you right now? Why might it resonate so strongly?
16. Which of the above is hardest for you to hold tight to during shifting seasons? What would be different in your attitude or behavior if you were able to improve in this area?