In a world where it can often feel as though the church is losing ground, be encouraged to know that the Gospel is multiplying and Jesus is still on the throne. The revival taking place in South Sudan is a powerful reminder of the fact the words of Jesus from Matthew 16:18 are still true, “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Recently, Joseph Samy and I took a trip to South Sudan, along with our dear missionary friend from Egypt, Basem. We ministered in two primary areas of South Sudan, Juba (capital) and Aweil. There, we were blessed to be able to teach the Bible to young adults and pastors, lead discipleship training, and encourage the body of Christ across the world. Many walked more than three hours one way to join us and quench their thirst for the Word of God.
When it comes to mission endeavors at Blackhawk, we are all about partnerships over projects. Both are essential and full of impact, yet we have seen so much fruit from the partnerships we have built over the years. Projects are usually short-term with a beginning and an end that surround an event or effort that helps impact people with the Gospel. Partnerships are on-going and involve fostering relationships that are long-term as initiatives are pursued for God’s glory. In South Sudan, many partnership doors were opened.
Through our 2020 Give Light Offering, we were blessed to send Bibles to many who had none and help to build an orphanage that is teaching kids about their Heavenly Father. Through the sending of our church body and efforts like these, partnerships and future opportunities to GO and make a difference that is eternal abound.
Recently, I shared about a new partner and friend who is a pastor and leader for the Gospel in Aweil and Juba, South Sudan. His name is Wol and his story is one that I will never forget. He has seen God spare his life countless times and has become a true leader for God’s Kingdom in South Sudan. He’s fluent in at least three languages and uses every word and moment to proclaim the Good News of Jesus. If you missed his message to our church and my trip recap sermon from 1 Peter 4:7-11, CLICK HERE to watch.
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