Judges 8:1-21
- What happens when the church fights internally?
- Why are the people of God often their own worst enemy?
- How does choosing to believe the best about people deescalate tension?
- What most often hinders gratitude in your life?
- How does gathering together help us to avoid bitterness?
- What is the significance of the phrase “exhausted yet pursuing”?
- How do other Bible translations translate the phrase “well then”? (Judges 8:7)
- What “thorns” and “briers” might show up in our lives as a result of prideful bitterness?
- Have you ever wanted to GET grace for yourself but refused to GIVE grace to others?
- What does Proverbs 15:33 say about the importance of humility?
- How does Gideon divert from divine purpose to aimless revenge?
- Why is it important to treat people with gentleness and understanding?
- Have you ever gotten into trouble by taking matters into your own hands?
- How might you need to lay down your own agenda to pursue God’s purpose?
- How are you letting the actions of others influence the course of your life? Spend some time in prayer asking the LORD to help you surrender your own agenda in favor of His good plans for you.