Matthew 28:16-20
Pastor Kevin noted that the annual This is Us sermon series is to help Blackhawk stay on course, to not get distracted from the mission.
Five Key Mission Reminders from the Great Commission
Jesus uses all people (vv16-17)
1. Put yourself in the eleven remaining disciples’ shoes, at the sight of the resurrected Jesus, “they worshiped him, but some doubted.” They were looking at someone who was in all appearances Jesus, why might some have doubted? Is it possible to doubt things that we know should be true? In those situations, what might we really be doubting?
2. Be honest and vulnerable, in what areas of your Christian life do you have doubts? Whether big doubts (wrestling with something big) or small doubts (little things that give you a moment’s pause), what do you think is the source of the doubt or from where did it originate? How might someone go about addressing their doubts?
3. Jesus uses all people, the worshipers and the doubters, he does not require perfection before he puts his people to use to grow his kingdom. Given that, how does God desire to use you in the lives of others right now?
Jesus has all power (v18)
4. If all authority on heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus, make a list of things over which he is in complete control or authority. In reviewing the list, have your actions matched your knowledge? Have you been living like everything on this list is under Jesus’ authority?
5. The resurrection shows us that anything is possible with God. What is something that you have always thought impossible? Why is this so important to you? How could others best pray for the situation?
6. Pastor Kevin noted that there is a distinction between theology (truths about God that never change) and methodology (how we share those truths with the world). We Christians can get awfully hung up on disagreements over methodology. What is one area of methodology that causes you concern, and why does it concern you? Despite your concern, does this methodology accomplish the mission of the church, making disciples? If so, how can you get past your concern? If not, how can you gently express your conviction to others?
7. Since all authority on heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus, he is always at work. How have you seen God’s power at work in your life lately? If you haven’t, what might be getting in the way of you seeing it?
Jesus gives us purpose (v19)
8. What does it mean to you to know that God has a purpose for your life?
9. God can bring purpose to everything that happens in your life, both the good stuff and the not so good stuff. Regarding good stuff, what is one purpose for which God has used you to be a blessing to others? Regarding not so good stuff, what is one negative situation which God has redeemed for his higher purposes?
10. Pastor Kevin provided three characteristics of a disciple from Matthew 4:19: 1) following Jesus, 2) being changed by Jesus, and 3) committed to the mission of Jesus. Knowing discipleship is the course of your life and not a college class that you start and finish months later, how would you evaluate yourself in each characteristic of a disciple? Do you resemble that characteristic more today than you did a year ago? Five years ago? A decade ago? How have you specifically seen growth in this area?
11. We are called to make disciples of all nations. Why might God have called his Church to go beyond their local community in their efforts to make disciples? What benefits come from doing so? What should the Church be cautious of or give thought to as it embarks on discipling all nations?
Jesus modeled his plan (vv19-20)
12. Pastor Kevin led us to Mark 3:13-14 as another example of Jesus’ modeling his plan. He GATHERed his apostles, he CONNECTed with them, and he sent them to GO preach the gospel. Blackhawk centers itself around this model as well – Sunday morning, small groups, and missions. Why is it important individually and corporately to practice all three components of the model? What happens when one is left out?
13. In the areas of GATHER, CONNECT, and GO… what next step do you need to take to follow Jesus’ model?
Jesus is always present (v20)
14. How is God’s promise to be with us as we are sent out into the world comforting to you? Does it motivate you to venture into unknown or uncomfortable situations / locations?
15. Think about something painful or difficult going on in your life right now. How can you trust God’s presence in that painful situation?